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10.13 Email


Being able to track email communication pertinent to specific projects is important to manage a Project in a timely and accurate manner. Each project will be able to store emails related to that Project. You will have the ability also to Reply and Reply to All directly from the Email section of a Project.

The main page will appear with each email listed in the same fashion as you see below.

When an email is highlighted the additional icons you see at the bottom right hand side of the page(Reply, Forward, View) will become live and allow that function to be applied to any highlighted email.

Since Email is inherently personal, for any Email to be attached to a project it has to be moved from the main Email section to a Project. When you are in the main email section, highlight the email you would like to move to a Project and Right Click it. The Menu you see below will open and will allow you to move an Email into a Project. Choose the highlighted icon you see below.

When you choose the Move to... icon the window you see below will open and you can check the circle next to Project. Then scroll through the Projects you are assigned to and click on the Project you are looking for. The Email will then be moved to that Project.

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