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Make the most of your your time with the Tradepoint schedule

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Tradepoint Business Management Software features schedule and appointment management tools incorporated into key features within CRM and Email functionality for efficient time management and communications. Companies have the ability to shape and maximize different roles and work flow processes for focused profiles and integration at key points between different roles within a company.

Toronto, Ontario May 26, 2008 - Tradepoint Business Management Software includes a dynamic Schedule with tolls extending into the CRM, Accounting, and Projects for efficiency and easy usability for different roles within a company. What you do with your time and what the results are define the profitability within your company. Time management naturally extends into other realms such as customer activity, billable hours, working in a team environment, planned activities, and email communications. An easy to use look and feel with diverse tools just a few clicks away from your scheduled activities.

Tradepoint's dynamic schedule extends into other functions within Tradepoint including CRM, Projects, and Accounting. From the CRM point of view some of the main functions within the Schedule address:

  • sharing appointments with other team members and adding contact to appointments
  • multiple views of your schedule (weekly, daily and monthly) 
  • categories with event management and different properties for each appointment category
  • add documents to each appointment as necessary
  • track appointment history to a contact when they are added to an appointment
  • reminders and alerts for appointments as they are due

These are just some of the tools within Tradepoint's Schedule that extend more traditional functionality to CRM functionality for a more complete view of actions that stem from a schedule. Effective time management is necessary for an efficient business environment. Functionality that extends time management to actions give companies tools to enhance their efficiency and profitability.

Accurate scheduling and planning are critical to successful project management. All of the Scheduling tools within the Schedule are also available within Projects in Tradepoint plus automatic reminders for appointments generated from a project and scheduled appointments that are pushed into projects as they are planned in either the main schedule or the projects schedule. This way there is an awareness of existing planned appointments when planning out time lines for projects. Projects also includes the ability to add employees as well as contacts with the client involved in a Project to an appointment.

To extend the benefits of the Schedule functionality one step further Tradepoint also includes the ability to bill for an appointment directly from the schedule as well as from a Project. Billing activity is attached automatically to the customer's account and/or the project to avoid double data entry into the accounting system.

These are just a few examples of how the Schedule in Tradepoint takes time management and extends it into actions offering companies the ability to make the most of their time with Tradepoint. A 30 day trial is available for you to see if Tradepoint is right for your company. Contact us and register for your free 30 day trial at

About Darwin Productions: Darwin Productions is a Canadian software company developing innovative software solutions for small to medium and larger growing enterprises since 1999. Tradepoint Business Management Software has been available publicly since 2004.


Jennifer Pardee
Marketing Director
918-708-1768 Direct

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