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11.29 Shipping Wizard


Tradepoints Shipping Wizard is accessible from 3 points of entry, giving you the flexibility in defining your work flow process. The Shipping Wizard can be accessed through:

  • An existing Order within a Customer's contact file
  • An existing Purchase Order within a Supplier contact file
  • Through the Shipping wizard within a Warehouse contact file.

Accessinig the Shipping Wizard through a Customer contact is done by following the pathway to reach the Order screen.

  1. From the Home Tab click on Customers.
  2. Click on Orders.
  3. Click on one Order to highlight it.
  4. Click on the Receive Inventory icon to start the Shipping wizard to bring in Inventory against an open Order.
  5. The screen you should end up on before you start the Shipping Wizard is shown below.

Accessing the Shipping wizard through a Purchase Order is done by following the steps outlined below.

  1. From the Home Tab click on Suppliers.
  2. Search for or type in the name of a Supplier and click the search icon to bring up that contact.
  3. Click on Purchase Orders.
  4. Highlight a Purchase Order by clicking on it once. Highlight the P.O.'s that are not completed.
  5. Click on the 'New Shipment' icon to start the Shipping Wizard.
  6. The screen you should end up on just before the Shipping Wizard opens is shown below.

The third way to access the Shipping Wizard is through a Warehouse. Follow the steps delineated below to access the Shipping Wizard through a  Warehouse.

  1. From the Home tab click on the Warehouse icon.
  2. Click on the Search icon to bring up the Warehouse/s you have in your system.
  3. Click on the Current icon in the Warehouses to bring up the current Inventory levels
  4. To start the Shipping Wizard click on the 'Receive Inventory' icon.
  5. The screen you should see before you go into the Shipping wizard is shown below.

The steps the Shipping Wizard takes you through include:

  1. A screen for you to choose the Warehouse to bring Inventory into.
  2. The next screen will ask you for an existing shipment or a new one with a preference for a Supplier.
  3. The next screen will be the result of your previous choice and will ask you for specific Inventory or to choose items.
  4. The next screen will ask you if you want to assign a 'Reference Number' and have a check box to automatically generate a Bill. The reference number here can also be a batch number if you need to assign a batch number to incoming Inventory.

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