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11.3.5 Setting Up Preferred Suppliers for your Products


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Setting up preferred Suppliers is a function within Tradepoint that will give your purchasing process efficiency. Each product listing has a section for Suppliers where you can specify several types of information related to your Suppliers.

The pathway to arrive at the screen view below is: Home---> Products---> Suppliers

  • Which Supplier
  • What the Model number is(the Model number the Supplier refers to, not your model number)
  • Expected arrival time (How many days to Reorder)
  • Quality specific to the Supplier (for example if you need it quickly then choose the fastest Suppliers out of the default choices)
  • Cost - What the cost is from the specified Supplier

The screen view below shows an example of setting up preferred Suppliers for your Products.

Each of the fields are editable or have drop down menus to choose from different options.

The significance of this functionality is shown on the Purchase Order side of things when you are filling out a P.O. for a Supplier. Since each company uses its own identifying process for Products there is often the need to be able to cross reference more than one Model or Part number for a given Product between one or more Suppliers.

This functionality will allow you to fill out a P.O. using your own terminology and then when the P.O. is Ordered and either printed or emailed out it will have the corresponding information for that specific Supplier on the document that is sent to them.

Below is a view of a view of the print preview screen showing the respective Supplier Model number and pricing.

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