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19.4 Setup and Configure Tool- Appointments and Schedule


Appointments within the Setup & Configure tool can be accessed anywhere within the Appointment screen you see the blue plus next to the Category field or directly through the Setup & Configure tool found under the Management Menu.

The main screen when the Setup & Configure tool is accessed to add or edit Appointment Categories is shown below.

  • Existing Categories are listed on the left section of the screen. Clicking on any one of them will open the details screen with the name color and any Event Management actions that may be associated with that Category(example shown above). 
  • Creating a New Category can be done by clicking the 'New' icon in the lower left hand corner.The color menu has three different menus attached to it with scroll bars for easy searching within the drop down menus. The color attached to each Appointment will flow through to your Appointments in the Schedule or within Projects.
  • The option for a Private Appointment will set a Category that will then show up only in the Category you created (provided you have the security access to establish Appointment Categories) therefore that Private Appointment will be visible to your login profile.
  • Event Management actions can be attached to any Category you create with the highlighted icons in the lower right section of the screen.
  • Event Management actions will happen automatically by clicking any one of the Appointment, Task, Call Log, or Email icons you see.
  • Fill out the preferences on the template including any content for any of the items and timeline preferences. For example, if your company has an Appointment Category for Sales Presentations you can setup an email to be automatically generated for the same day or the following day thanking them for their time, and a Call Log setup to automatically be assigned for two days after the sales presentation for the sales representative to follow up with that prospect. 
  • Any changes made within the Setup & Configure tool will be automatically saved.

Each Appointment Category will have the tools available to it so, your Appointments for Projects, Sales, Customer Management, etc. will all be able to have automated Events related to each of the Categories if your work flow process necessitates it.

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