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Naming Conventions for Subjects, Model numbers and other items used in SEO URLs


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With Version 4 of the Tradepoint Ecommerce platform all URLs including knowledge base, press releases and even all images are now Search Engine Optimized (SEO) to ensure that the search engines have all of the information that they need to effectively index your site to the greatest potential.

To do so, we enabled the use of the Subject of press releases and knowledge base articles, and the Caption of images to ensure that they were properly named. We automatically replace spaces with either underscores (_) or dots (.) depending on your preference to maintain obviously word separation for the search engines. However there are many other characters that you might choose to put in your Subjects and captions that should be avoided to ensure that these will both link properly and be search engine optimized.

While it can be tempting to use the & in categories and products and even press release subjects etc. these should be strictly avoided as they are a restricted character. As should question marks, and slashes (both forward slash / and back slash \). Any character above the numbers on your keyboard should also be avoided as a general rule.

A full list of restricted characters can be found here:

Note: It is important to also avoid the use of whichever character that you choose to use to replace spaces as per above, as they will be switched back to spaces for matching purposes and your URL will not be found resulting in a security violation page being presented to users.

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