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Its all about Bringing Your Business Together

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It's all About Bringing Your Business Together

The Problem

Businesses today are often severely fragmented in their internal operations. Various departments and individuals with specific jobs often vacillate between the extremes of minimal or overlapping communication with each other. Within this existing framework the greatest challenge for business is to create intelligent business processes that accurately reflect your daily work flow.

Even when a well defined process does exist, different components within a business have one or more different types of software for that specific function and little to no integration with other departments. Your business may require one or more of the following applications:

·        Accounting Software

·        Customer Relations Management

·        Email Management

·        Inventory Management

·        Payroll

·        Website Administration and Ecommerce Software

·        Industry Specific Software

·        Spreadsheets

·        Custom Built Solutions

·        Word Processing Software

This list is just the beginning. Often the more specialized the business is the more specialized and costly the software is. In addition, many of these applications can represent an individual cost that can be billed on a monthly or yearly basis. With the way most business management software has been marketed the more applications you have the higher your overall costs are.

An overall result is a divergent business environment where growth can be very chaotic and you must have a high degree of effort, duplication, paperwork and expense to run your business.

One example can be seen with a company we consult with who has expressed tremendous frustration in daily operations such as tracking orders by phone and through the sales force, providing accurate price quotes and production timelines to customers, managing customer service, providing accurate invoices to customers, planning and managing the production process and website development and management. Each of these components within their company has separate software applications and it is a frustrating struggle to keep up with sales orders, customer accounts, emails, departmental communications and the production process.

The Solution

By evolving your business through Tradepoint Business Management Software, a company can integrate the workflow process in one smooth transaction reducing stress, saving money and working more effectively in every aspect of your business. Tradepoint Business Management Software puts the focus back on your business allowing you and your staff to focus more on the growth of your business instead of managing the day-to-day processes within your business.

For example, an E-commerce order is placed at 11:00 PM Sunday night. By the time you get to your office on Monday morning you find that:

1.      The order is completely accounted for with your accounting division once the credit card automatically has cleared.

2.      Your shipping department was instantly notified and is preparing to ship the order.

3.      All shipping costs, warehouse inventory, location and packaging costs has been already factored into the billed shipping price.

4.      Once the order is shipped, the warehouse stock has already docked the item.

5.      Your sales manager and sales team are notified as needed.

6.      You are notified automatically, if you choose.

7.      A report can be printed at any time, anywhere within your company. Even customers can track their parcel through your E-commerce website.

Using Tradepoint Business Management Software's completely integrated platform allows your company unparalleled levels of communication between all levels of your business. Simply put, this is because all areas of your business are using the same software. As a result the information generated by one area can be used by another as it is needed without using email, phone requests or additional means.

This is critically important in situations when a company has multiple divisions, manufactures goods as well as offering services or if one company owns and operates another. Each of these individual scenarios can effectively be managed and connected through Tradepoint Business Management Software.

If you or your company is interested in Business Software that provides a comprehensive, integrated solution, then experience Tradepoint Business Management Software first hand and contact us. Ask for a free demonstration.

Bring your business together, and take the next step in business Tradepoint today!

Jennifer Pardee

Darwin Productions, Inc.


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