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11.31 Receiving Partial Shipments


Receiving partial shipments can be done by following the steps outlined below. Access the Shipping Wizard from any one of the three points of entry described above.

The following screens and steps will outline your options within the shipping wizard for bringing in partial shipments.

The initial screen for the shipping wizard is shown below.

Click the Next icon to go to the next screen.

You have an option on this screen to bring in an existing shipment against a P.O. or to bring in a new shipment that you do not have a P.O. on yet.

In the example in this tutorial we will be bringing in a new shipment that we do not yet have a Purchase Order on.

1.     Click 'New Shipment'.
Choose a Supplier and Shipping Terms.
3.     Click the 'Next' icon when it lights up.

The following screen is where you will choose the Products that will be brought into your Inventory.

1.     Use the 'New Product' icon to open a new field to being in your Products.
Choose the Products from the drop down field on the left of the screen
You will be able to Tab through the fields and either type in information of use the drop down options available.
4.     Click the 'Next' icon when you are ready to go to the next screen.

The following screen will be where you bring in any Inventory into Tradepoint. The items you chose on the previous screen will be listed here along with and required serial numbers.

1.     Click on the fields and enter in the amount of the products being received.
Enter in an relevant serial numbers.
Check off the boxes next to the Products that they were in the shipment.
If any boxes were not checked then this will be a partial shipment and you will be able to bring in the remaining items by going through the Shipping Wizard again.
5.     If any items were left unchecked when you open the Shipping Wizard the next time you will see the created shipment available to choose from in the existing shipment drop down window.

Click the Next icon when you have finished. The following screen will prompt you for a batch number and with the option to create a Bill automatically when the Shipping Wizard closes.

If you choose to create a Bill from receiving this shipment then when the Shipping Wizard closes the Bill for this shipment will pop open. You will have the option of completing the Bill and applying payment or saving the Bill for a later date.


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