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United Parcel Service - Shipping Setup - Tips and Tricks


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United Parcel Service  - Tips to remember when setting up a new shipping service for UPS

1. Please make sure that the new credentials for the UPS account being used by the company have been setup for the UPS. They can be found within the Setup & Configure Tool by clicking the Management Menu and going to:  Setup & Configure Tool ---> Accounting ---> Shipping ---> Shipping Services.

2. When launching the shipping certification wizard it should have a drop down at the top of the first window above the credentials that should list the Division name and the name given to the shipping service configuration. Please make sure to select the one that is for the correct division if it is not already. The credentials set in the shipping service configuration should automatically populate - no other credentials should have to be entered into the certification wizard.

3. The  UPS certification process requires a number of files to be generated and sent in to their certification department.  The output folder is where these generated files are saved.

Since the certification wizard needs to be able to complete the test shipments based on your warehouse address, the ability to specify which domestic and international service is needed since not all services may be available from that address.

Please be sure you have a warehouse setup and associated as a default option for rate requests within Division settings. (this option can be found in Company Settings: Tools---> Company---> choose a Division listed on left ---> double click on the listed division on right ---> Configuration ---> Option to select Warehouse for rate requests.

4. Initially set the services to the ones which will be mainly going to be shipping with for UPS, if any of the domestic test shipments fail due to not being available from your warehouse address change the domestic service type to a different service. Use the same routine for the international shipping services - the first 4 test shipments are for domestic and the last test shipment is for international.

*Regarding setting up for shipping options to be selected when creating a Quote, Order or Invoice  (this option can be used internally or through web checkout) Create one or more Shipping Methods, and then set the shipping service and the service type to use for each shipping method. For example, if you want to be able to ship with UPS ground; create a shipping method called UPS Ground and set the shipping service to your UPS configuration, and select the service type to be Ground. If you want to offer it on the web site make sure the option for web site enabled is checked.

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