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Order Shipment Email Template Replacement Values


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An email can be sent to a Customer upon completion of the Shipping Wizard, or manual through the Shipment Details form accessed through the Order's details. A template is used to specify the layout of the email and the information to include through the use of relacement tags. Listed below are the replacement tags that are currently recognized.

Placeholder Value Description
{} The full name of the customer.
{customer.accountno} The customer's account number.
{} The salutation of the customer's name.
{} The customer's first name.
{} The customer's middle initial.
{} The customer's last name.
{} The suffix of the customer's name.
** If the customer is not an individual, then the last name will be the complete name and the other replacement tags will be replaced with nothing. The tag {} will always return the complete name **
{} The customer's primary phone.
{} The customer's email address.
{customer.billingaddress} The customer's billing address.
{customer.shippingaddress} The shipping address for the customer used for the order.
{} The shipping address name.
{customer.shippingaddress.attentionto} The shipping address attention to name.
{order.ordernumber} The order number prefix and order number combined.
{order.po} The order po number.
{} The date of the order.
{} The credit card type, determined based on the credit card number.
{} The last 4 digits of the credit card number.
{order.subtotal} The subtotal of the order.
{order.shipping.cost} The shipping charges for the order.
{} The tax 1 name for the order.
{order.tax1.cost} The tax 1 cost for the order.
{} The tax 2 name for the order.
{order.tax2.cost} The tax 2 cost for the order.
{order.grandtotal} The grand total of the order.
{} The amount set as the discount on the order, this is not inclusive of coupon or gift card values. This is the value that is visible on the Information tab of the order.
{shipment.method} The name of the shipping method as defined in Tradepoint.
{shipment.shipdate} The date of the shipment.
{shipment.trackingno} The shipment tracking number.
{shippingservice.trackinglink} The full external link to the shipping services tracking page.
{shipment.grandtotal} The total of the items included in the shipment.
{} The name of Tax1 for the shipment.
{shipment.tax1.cost} The Tax1 cost for the shipment.
{} The name of Tax2 for the shipment.
{shipment.tax2.cost} The Tax2 cost for the shipment.
{} The reseller's name if available, else the Divisions name.
{sender.address} The reseller's address if available, else the Divisions address.
{} The reseller's primary phone (including extension} if available, else the Divisions primary phone with extension.
{} The reseller's email address set for the template if available, else the  email address specified for the shipment status template in the Divisions settings.
{item.detailtemplate.start} Marks the start of a repeated region for listing the item details.
<!--{item.detailtemplate.start}--> Marks the start of a repeated region for listing the order item details.
{item.detailtemplate.end} Marks the end of the repeated region listing the items details. Everything between the template start and end if repeated for each item.
<!--{item.detailtemplate.end}--> Marks the end of the repeated region listing the order items details. Everything between the template start and end if repeated for each order item in the order.
{} The name of the product for the shipment item.
{item.product.type} The name of the product packaging for the shipment item.
{item.product.model} The model number of the product.
{item.units} The number of units purchased for that order item.
{item.cost} The unit cost of the order item.
{item.shippingstatus} The shipping status of the order item.

* Please note the curly braces at the start and end of each tag, these are required. *

** New replacement tags: {}, {}, {order.subtotal}, {order.shipping.cost}, {}, {order.tax1.cost}, {}, {order.tax2.cost}, {order.grandtotal}, and {item.cost} will be available after version **

** New replacement tag: {} will be available after version **

None of the placeholder tags are required, and it acceptable for a tag to appear more than once in the email if required. In order for the email to be sent the Customer must provide an email address, the website's Division must have its Contact Us Email address and its name set.

The values for the shipping status ( {item.shippingstatus} ) are as follows:

"Not Available" - if the order, or order item was not found, or a status was unable to be determined
"Cancelled" - if the order was cancelled, all items will return this value
"Out of Stock" - if there is no inventory available for the order item and a PO has not been assigned to order more inventory
"On Order" - if there is no inventory available for the order item and a PO has been assigned to order more inventory
"Not Shipped" - if the order item's units == 0 or if the order's units > 0 and the number of shipped units is 0
"Partially Shipped" - if the order item's units > 0 and the number of shipped units is less than the order item's units
"Shipped" - all the order item's units have been shipped
"Drop-Shipped Separately" - the order item is marked as drop ship


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