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General Ledger and Integrated Business Accounting Software

Accounting Functionality

At the heart of Tradepoint Enterprise System is the integrated business accounting software system designed to provide growing enterprises an Accounting structure combining easy to use tools with a GAAP compliant general ledger (G/L) structure:

GAAP Compliant Accounting SystemGAAP Compliant General Ledger (G/L)

  1. Support for unlimited levels in the general ledger
  2. Cannot create an unbalanced general ledger.
  3. All transactions linked to Accrual Based items such as Invoices, Shipments, Inventory, Purchase Orders, Bills, Deposits, Transfers, and Journal Entries.
  4. Easy Account Reconciliation

Choose How You Look At AccountingChoose Your View

Manage your accounting from a standard Accountant's perspective like most other accounting software packages, or work from the customer relationship management (CRM) perspective to allow for a much more fluid working environment for non-accountants. By providing both perspectives Tradepoint accounting software allows you to optimize your work flow no matter who is doing the work.

Fully Automated Accounting ProcessesAutomated Accounting Processes

Why waste time entering accounting data for your day-to-day operations? Tradepoint will:

  1. Create invoices, and payments and post them to the general ledger when shipping orders.
  2. Post inventory valuations on receipt of shipments.
  3. Create recurring Orders and Invoices
  4. Post all entries necessary to complete deposit and other transaction types.
  5. One click account reconciliation with your bank or any other OFX compliant data source.

Full Audit TrailFull Audit Trail

Unlike many other accounting software systems, Tradepoint Enterprise Systems' accounting software package has its audit trail always enabled and cannot be defeated. This means that you can be confident in your accounting data's accuracy at all times.

All transactions are logged by date, time, and user executing the transaction.

All transactions must have corrective entries showing the mistake and the correction and who it was done by. No more just changing something to fix it resulting in books that no longer balance and no longer show the real story of what happened.

Accurate Inventory ValuationsTruly Accurate Inventory Valuations

Tradepoint Enterprise business accounting software goes beyond standard average cost accounting software on inventory by tracking all valuations for every unit of inventory. Instead of an average valuation per SKU, now every unit has its own valuation that allows you to calculate margins and even landing costs in real time to the penny.

Tradepoint supports Per Purchase Order valuations which allow all inventory to have their valuations based on the landed cost from the purchase order that the item is received from resulting in the very most accurate costing model ever devised.

In addition you can do standard average costing for compatibility, and historical valuations that get updated over time.


Business AnalyticsExtensive Reporting

Because Tradepoint Enterprise Systems is a full ERP software package, Tradepoint's accounting system can draw upon more than just accounting data when reporting. All reports are fully customizable and savable resulting in hundreds of available reports:

  1. Balance Sheet
  2. Profit and Loss (P & L)/Income Statement
  3. Accounts Receivable (A/R) Current and All
  4. Accounts Payable (A/P) Current and All
  5. Incomplete Bills and Invoices
  6. Payment History
  7. Contact accounting activity
  8. Inventory versus Accounting
  9. Quotes/Orders/Invoices by type or by Product Sold
  10. Advanced Search Tools to find any transaction or group of transactions
  11. many more!

In addition Tradepoint Enterprise Systems provides the Tradepoint Report Engine which allows you to create any report you wish within a easy to use graphical environment.

Payment Gateway IntegrationIntegrated with Numerous Payment Gateways

Tradepoint Enterprise business accounting software integrates with most popular gateways including:

  2. Paypal
  3. Google Checkout
  4. Skipjack
  5. YesPay
  6. Monaris
  7. FirstData
  8. GlobalCollect
  9. dozens more!

Multi-Step Accounting PeriodsMulti-step Periods

Unlike most systems that allow you to either lock or unlock accounting periods, The Tradepoint accounting system allows you to restrict a period to only authorized personnel while your team completes any final transactions, then outright lock the period so that no one can change it. By adding a 3rd level of locking, you can easily control who and when transactions can be entered by ensuring that your periods are able to be closed quickly and easily. This allows you to lock a period for only accountant access immediately at the end of the month or a quarter and then finalize the lock after your year end has been completed.

Bank Deposits and ReconciliationDeposit and Bank Reconciliation

Tradepoint Enterprise business accounting software allows for fully automated bank deposits and automated reconciliation with most bank files, eliminating the need to manually reconcile against an bank statement. All transactions will automatically be matched up, leaving only those that can be linked to be reconciled manually using a simple drag and drop process.

Affilliate Management and PaymentAffiliate Payout

Tradepoint Enterprise business accounting software fully automates the affiliate payout process by analysing your multi-level marketing structure and providing all of the calculations for every referrer at every level. Tradepoint then will automatically record bills from those affiliates and make payouts using either a banking standard file that can be easily uploaded to your bank for ACH/EFTs to be executed or via supported payment gateways as applicable.

Sales TaxesSupports Most Sales Tax Schemes

As governments are under more and more pressure to find more and more revenue, sales tax schemes become more and more complex. Tradepoint's Accounting System fully supports:

  1. County, and ZIP code sub-jurisdictional sales taxes allowing for states like NY, California, Alabama and others.
  2. Integration with zip2tax for quick and easy tax updates so that you don't have to maintain the complex set of tax levels per jurisdiction.
  3. Tax exemptions so that Provinces like Ontario can charge HST and not GST if HST is being charged allowing for taxes that would otherwise be applicable to not be charged.
  4. Supports factional-percents and multiple rounding rules to handle fractions of pennies.
  5. Automated reporting generating all numbers required to fulfill most jurisdiction's reporting requirements.

Payroll ServicesPayroll

Tradepoint Accounting Software supports executing payroll for most jurisdictions and automating the payout process. Tradepoint supports:

  1. Entering most deductions at a system wide level. (deductions are not automatically provided)
  2. Custom deductions per employee as necessary
  3. Split Deductions
  4. Employee deductions into 401k and other savings accounts.
  5. Reporting on any date range and returning employee gross pay and deductions.
  6. Automated generation of banking standard file for upload to execute ETF/ACHes.
  7. Extensive gross payment calculations for employees including Salary, Commission, Salary + Commission and extensive variations per product, product type, group or department and more.

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