1.2.2 Company and Division Setup - One Company with Multiple Divisions
This structure is often seen with companies that
have two companies which are linked and even share Inventory or other resources
yet need to keep separate General Ledgers for each while retaining the
capability of reporting on activity within a given Division or 'rolled up' under
the 'Parent' company. One example would be a company with both a retail and
wholesale division sharing an Inventory.
The view of one Company with more than one Division
looks like this from the Company Screen after clicking on the Division

Tradepoint supports an unlimited number of
Divisions within each company.
Accessing the company information for a
Division is done by double clicking on that listed Division or by highlighting
and clicking on the Edit icon in the lower right of this Divisions
Creating multiple Divisions within one
company is done from the main company screen with the 'New Divisions'
A pop-up menu is part of the New
Division icon with options for what type of Division can be created. If you are
not sure then just choose the top option for a 'New Blank Division'. The rest of
the options will set up defaults in your preferences of your Division you are
creating. They can be adjusted after a Division has been set
Divisions within one company will be listed within the main Company

Company details of your new Division
can be accessed by double clicking the listed Division or highlighting a
Division and clicking the Edit icon in the lower right of the Divisions