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1.5 Email Setup


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Setting up an Employees email settings can be done easily within Tradepoint. Within the Email Settings section of Employees is where you will go to establish a particular Employee's email account. Because email is User specific be sure to enter in the correct email address and respective Incoming and outgoing Email Setting for the correct Employee.

Within Employees click on the 'Email Settings' icon. The screen you see below will be the first screen you see. This is where you will see the name of multiple email addresses within an existing account should there be more than one email address for an Employee profile.

Clicking on the 'New Account' icon will open the window where you will enter in the Incoming and Outgoing Server Settings and setup any email signatures as well.

When all of your information has been entered in here Save your changes.

Once the settings have been enabled save them and the email icon will be visible in the profile the email address was added in. Click on the email icon to do a Send/Receive to verify the email is functioning.

For detailed setting on ports or making adjustments on port settings the Advanced button in Email settings will open the port and otehr advanced email options.

Save any changes and close out of the Email Setup to check email.


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