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15.2 Building Role Based Security Profiles - Part 2


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The default security profile in Tradepoint will be Administrator. In this case you will see the check box checked off for 'all other options will be ignored'.

Creating a New Security Profile in Tradepoint is done by clicking on the 'New' icon in the lower left. Options are accessed for creating a New Blank Policy (which is done the first time a new security policy is created) in the pop-up options.

A New Blank Policy will have to be set up the first time a security policy is created. Each of the icons in the top of the security screen represents different sections of Tradepoint that can be customized for different roles. Enabling Security Access for a profile in Tradepoint involves enabling the icons on each of the tool bars and then enabling various functions within each Section (Leads, Customers, Suppliers, Projects, etc.).

First, we will address enabling icons on each of the tool bars.

The 'Tools' icon is highlighted in the example below which corresponds to the main toolbars in Tradepoint: Home, Tools, Personal, the Management Menu, and Flyout Panel icons on the far right of the screen.

The layout of the Security Settings screen works like this:

Labels on the left side of the screen correspond to a check box on the right with the placement of the check box matching the location of the check box on the right.
Checking off the respective check box will make the Customers icon (in this example) on the Home tool bar visible.

Ex. A.

After checking off these check boxes logging out and then back into an Employee profile set with these settings will show only the checked off boxes on the Home tool bar.
Image with Administrator access on profile:

Image with specific access to show only icons checked off in Ex. A:

Icon visibility to the Tools tool bar will work in the same way:

Enabling the icons on the Tools tool bar to be visible is done by checking off which icons to be visible:

Ex. B.

Then view the Tools tool bar with Administrator access:

Now view the Tools tool bar with the new preferences when logged into a different security profile as shown in Ex. B.:


Each section within the security settings works in the same way.

Note: Remember, any other access than Administrator will have to have each respective section Checked Off to have access enabled for your Employees. Administrator access is the only option that does NOT require options to be checked off and will over ride any other set preferences for full access to Tradepoint.

Second, enabling various fields and functions for actions within Customers will complete the security access for Customers.
Each icon checked off within the main screen of Security Settings will also need to have the corresponding section enabled. This means if an icon has been enabled through the Tool bar section:

Then the Customers icon highlighted above will also have to be enabled with the correct preferences to enable users to access different parts of Customer information.

Checking off each box will enable each field within Customers. Some of these fields will have different functions (such as View, Change, Revise, Export as a few examples).
Otherwise, if the icons are enabled through the Toolbar section and no other details for each icon have been enabled then each respective icon showing up on the tool bar will have no details.

Note: Administrator privileges will automatically grey out the icons in the top tool bar, since access will be granted to each section of Tradepoint.

Checking off the 'System Administrator' box will override any defined profile and give any Administrator access, even if other options are already set, just by checking off the box highlighted below.

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