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2.5 Address Formatting


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To ensure that addresses can be used correctly when searching, Mass Emailing or performing a Mail Merge they must be entered in the correct format:

Street Address
Street Address 2 (if required)
City, Province/State
Zip/Postal Code


54321 First St.
Anytown, NY

123 Second St.
Unit 2
Anytown, NY

Clicking the Address icon  next to the fields will open the Address Entry window which will allow you to enter the address parts separately.  The same will apply to any Secondary Address. Using the Secondary Address icon will open the wizard you see below.

Upon clicking the Save button the address will be formatted automatically for you.

International Address Entry:

For more information about international issues and suggested ways to enter international addresses that do not follow this standard please see: for more information on how to format International addresses.

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