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21.3 Branding Tradepoint for Windows


Branding Tradepoint for Windows

Tradepoint for Windows allows you to brand it with your own graphics, logos, copyright notices and rename the software to your own name for White Labeling.  To do so you'll want to implement the following interfaces:


This interface has two properties to implement:

ApplicationName: When implemented this returns the name that you wish to use for the software. Note: This can still be overridden by the end user in the Terminal Settings Screen.

CompanyName: This is your company name for replacing "Tradepoint" with your company name in the application.


This interface allows you to override the default splash screen and replace it with your own graphics.

SplashGraphic: This allows you to supply a System.Drawing.Image to replace the default background image with your own.

InitialApplicationName: This is the name that you wish to load before all other elements of the software are loaded. Typically this will be the same name as the ApplicationName above, however you can provide whatever you wish.

Copyright: This provides your copyright notice that will appear at the bottom of the Splash Screen.


This interface allows you to override the default login screen and replace it with your own graphics.

Logo:  A System.Drawin.Image that replaces the default background image.

Instructions: The instruction text that should be replaced on the login screen replacing the default.


This interface allows you to override the default about screen and replace it with your own graphics and text.

Logo: A System.Drawin.Image that replaces the default background image.

Copyright: his provides your copyright notice that will appear at the bottom of the About Screen.


This interface provides the following items that you can override for branding purposes:

ApplicationIcon: This allows you to provide a custom icon for the software in Windows.

DefaultApplicationName: This is used when customized in the Terminal Services screen.


By implementing these interfaces you can quickly and easily replace the default branding with your own.


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