3.4 Web Site Configuration Settings
For customers using our Ecommerce
solutions these sections are often pre-populated during the installation process
of your website. This setup guide will offer an explanation of the functions of
each one and how to use then to make fundamental changes to your website,
language localization, and configuration settings for automatic web based
actions and email style sheets
The Web Site
Configuration screen contains a number of settings for your web site when using
Tradepoint for Web.
To reach the
Website Configuration follow this path from the Home Tab.
Tab--->Tools Tab--->Company Settings--->Configuration icon
The Image Auto-Sizing
section allows you to set the maximum size for a number of types of
images. When an image is imported into Tradepoint it will be automatically
scaled using these settings to ensure that it is displayed correctly on the web
In the Default Text Elements
section you can set the text that will appear for three common text
elements. The $0.00 Price Label field determines what will be
displayed for products that have a list price of $0.00.
The check boxes in
the Default Product pages section determine which
product sub-pages will be displayed for each product by default. These can be
over ridden through settings in individual product listings.
The Product Page Layout
and Product List Display Layout determine how the
product category and product detail pages will be displayed.