4.0 Introductions to Employee Management

Employees Window
provides a comprehensive solution to Human Resources Management with the
functionality available within Employees. All of your Human Resources
information is intuitively tracked through the Tradepoint Employees
Window. Employee Security
Permissions, Performance Reviews, Time Management, Email and Appointment Book
settings, Products on Loan, Expenses and much more.

Punch Clock Window
This feature is great for companies that have many
employees that punch in and out during the work day. The
upper left hand corner of the main screen will have the Punch Clock Icon.
Clicking on that will bring up the punch clock.

tool is also an asset to companies that must track time spent on projects. Simply type in the name of a
Project/Case in the field labeled 'Case' and punch in and punch out of a project
as you perform tasks and Tradepoint will automatically track all of your
billable hours for you. An Employee can also clock in to a Project/Case
directly through the Project itself by clicking the 'Clock In' and 'Clock Out'
icon within Projects.
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