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4.19 Products On Loan


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Products on Loan is a tool designed to keep track of the resources that have been given to Employees as part of their job. A typical application of this includes providing laptops, cell phones, and/or company vehicles for an outside sales force.

Tradepoint has built in tools to handle every aspect of this right down to the shipping methods used to send resources to Employees.

Within an Employee profile is the history of what has been loaned to an Employee.

Drilling down into one of these listed items give a more detailed view of options within each instance of loaning an Employee a Product/Asset.

Icons in the top left corner show tools for an item going out, an item being received back in, the ability to attach, scan or upload related documents and a notes screen for any details outside of this workflow.

Product/Asset - This field will draw on both products and assets. Both of these sections will need to have information in them to track anything that is being lent out to Employees.

Ref # - This is an open field to create your own reference number specific to this item. This field in not required to complete a Product on Loan.

Serial Number - In this example a serial number is the serial number of the laptop that has been loaned out to this Employee. For cars the VIN number would go here and cell phones the ESN or Product number associated with the phone is recommended for this field.

Loaned On and Due Back - These are the dates when an item goes out and when an item comes back in. Typically both the Loaned On field and the Due back will need a date when an item is loaned to an Employee unless the due date is open for an item.

Returned On - This is when an item is actually returned from an Employee.

Shipping Method - If anything has to be shipped out then this field will choose from established Shipping methods within Tradepoint. The Shipping methods must be setup for this option to work.

Tracking Number - The tracking number from the Shipper once it has been shipped out can be entered here.

Condition - The condition of an item when it is lent out to an Employee is entered here. In the case above the condition is just the year and model of laptop. This can be as detailed or as simple as necessary per item. For example, for vehicles and existing damage, dents or scratches can be documented as a vehicle goes out to be compared to the condition it is in when it is returned.

Note - Products on loan is also available for all contacts within Tradepoint as long as those items are first applied to an Employee.

The rationale for this is there is someone within a company who ultimately keeps track of any samples or items sent to any contacts. In some cases a generic Employee profile is setup where all items are stored especially in the case of library based resources such as books, videos and periodicals that may be lent out to contacts.

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