5.2 Setting Appointments
Setting an Appointment within your
Schedule can be done in several different ways.
- Through the Work Center using the New
Appointment icon.
- Through the Schedule directly by
clicking the New Appointment icon.
- By hovering your mouse over a time on
the Schedule and right clicking to create a new Appointment
- Within a Project by clicking the New
Appointment icon. (Appointments made within a Project will appear within your
main Schedule as well as within a Project.
The main screen for adding your Appointment
details is shown below.

Features within the Appointment details
window include:
- Drop down calendars to choose the
Appointment date easily
- Categories accessible through a drop
down menu
- Appointment types(Daily, weekly, monthly
etc.) accessible through a drop down menu
- The ability to add an Attendee through
the drop down menu
- Add a contact to your Appointment
through the search field labeled Guests
- Add a reminder to your Appointment with
the pop up calendar. When the Reminder comes due it will appear within your
Flyout Panel and will pop up from the lower right hand corner.
- Icons at the top of the Appointment
screen will allow you to add Documents, Budget items and
Saving your changes will set your
Appointment in your Schedule.