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6.24.4 Email Tracking Tools


Tradepoint Email includes several tools built into an email message allowing you to track where an outgoing email message goes. Tradepoint also includes tools to track incoming Email Messages and Email rules that will allow you to assign a specific message or any messages from a specific Sender to be directed into a specific Folder

Outgoing Messages

Outgoing Emails have integrated tools for tracking your messages. The window below shows the highlighted area where you can find tools to track outgoing email messages.

No Send Log- Checking this box will not generate a message an Outgoing email to show up in the Sent Messages Folder in your Email box. Unless you use Delivery and Read Receipts leaving this box unchecked will be th e only indicator that the Email message was successfully sent.

Save Under Client- Checking this box will automatically send a copy of this message to the Contact File that is associated with the email address in the message you are sending. This option is ideal to save a step of having to manually copy a message into a contact file.

High Importance- A standard email feature highlighting an email as important when they receive the email in their Inbox.

Normal- A standard feature marking an outgoing email message as of Normal importance. this is the default setting for all outgoing messages unless otherwise specified.

Low Importance- A standard email feature letting the recipient of an outgoing message know that this message is of lesser importance when it arrives in their Inbox.

Delivery Receipts- Checking this icon will attach a Delivery receipt to an out going Email message and send you back a message when the recipient has received the message. Please note that some ISP's treat delivery receipts as SPAM and these may or may not reach the recipient. Hovering your mouse over the icon will bring up a dialog box with additional explanation.

Read Receipts- Clicking on this icon will attach a Read Receipt to an out going email message that will in turn send you an email message when the recipient has opened the email message you sent them. The read receipt will show the contact's email and the time they opened the email message. Please note that some ISP's treat read receipts as SPAM and these may or may not reach the recipient. Hovering your mouse over the icon will bring up a dialog box with additional explanation.

Incoming Messages

Tradepoint email has a tool that allows you to set preferences for incoming emails that will allow them to go to a specific location instead of all of your messages going into the Inbox. this is ideal for companies that do high volume Email traffic such as Order fulfillment. Email rules will allow an Incoming Email to be assigned to another Folder by the Sender's Email address or to be sorted by Keyword into another location.

Email rules can be found in the General tool bar in the Email section.

Email rules will allow you to choose how to track your emails by what the content of what an incoming email Does or Doesn't contain as well as by specific email address of an incoming email message. The view below shows the email rules section with the highlighted areas shown that you will need to fill in to create an Email Rule.

Steps to create an Email rule:

1. Choose the Email Account you want the Email rule to apply to
2. Click either the 'Contains' or 'Doesn't Contain' icon to determine how you want the desired email to be recognized. For Example, you can click 'Contains' and then type in the sender's email address in the 'From' field and any email from that address will be sorted to the desired location.
3. Enter the categorizing details such as the Sender's email address or the keywords you are looking for in the relevant section of the Incoming Email. For example, if you are looking to have all of your online orders sent to one Folder then you could create a rule with the Keyword 'Order' in the Subject or Body section of the window above to sort each email with that keyword into the desired location.
4. Click the 'Move to' icon to specify the destination of the desired email.
5. if you would like any Events attached to the Email rule them click the 'Events' icon and specify if you would like to have an automated Task, Appointment or Call Log attached to this email. Set the preferences in the prompted screens for the Event and every time an Incoming Message comes into Tradepoint matching your set criteria it will be sorted and have any attaching Events occur with that email.


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