6.27 Account Information
The Account screen allows you to
specify default settings for how products will be shipped to the contact,
how the contact will be billed and which price lists the contact will be quoted
from. Setting these defaults ensures that the contact receives consistent
information no matter who they are speaking with in your company.
All of the settings found on the
Account screen will be used as the default setting when creating a new order or
invoice. These settings can be changed on the order or invoice as necessary. A
Customers preferences can be changed at any time with the Setup and
Configuration tool in any one of the fields.
Information regarding a Customers
Shipping Specifications will pre-populate into the Shipping information on any
Invoices, Orders and Purchase Orders automatically. The same applies to any
Price or Discount Lists. Those Account preferences will automatically
pre-populate into any Invoices and Orders. Additional discounts can be
applied to specific Invoices and Orders as well manually.
Credit Information-
Credit Limit is
for any Credit Limit you have extended to a Customer. Payment Terms is
customizable for all of the payment terms your work flow process
Price Lists- Both Price lists and Discount Lists
are customizable. Information from price Lists will
draw from your Inventory information. If you do not have a Price List Assigned
your Inventory pricing information will be the default. Price Lists are used in
numerous situations including Value Added Resellers or Customers who purchase in
high volume. When a Discount List is assigned it will mean the minimum that
Products can be sold to a Customer.
Shipping Information-
Shipping Method and Freight Terms are both
customizable with the Setup and Configure tool attached to each field. Multiple
shipping addresses can be added here and they will be listed when you click on
the Shipping Address icon as shown in the example below.
Addresses can be edited by choosing which one from
the menu you see above and then clicking the Edit icon in the lower
If you have a Customer with multiple Shipping
addresses the default will be the Billing Address unless otherwise specified
here under the Customer's Account Information.
Both the payment terms and price lists have the blue
plus link to the Configuration Tool allowing them to be customized to your needs
and work flow process.
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