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8.11 Adding Barcodes to Your Documents


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Adding a bar code to your documents can be done by following the steps shown below.

From the Customize screen clicking the bar code icon will add a bar code to your report. Click on it to drag it to the section of your report your would like it. In this case we have added a bar code to an Invoice so we have added it to the Product line so it will correspond with the products that are added to the Invoice.


The highlighted bar code option shows a small arrow in the top right of the field. Clicking on it will open a menu so you can choose the type of bar code that matches the system you are using.

This drop down menu has over 35 types of bar codes built in as defaults. Tradepoint will recognize your bar code scanning system automatically when it is plugged into the PC's you are using Tradepoint on.

Save your changes to your report when you are done.

Anytime a bar code is added to a report it will adjust based on what is added to that report(as in the example shown above in the Product field of this Invoice report). In this case each item added to the Invoice will have its own bar code on a line by line basis.

When a bar code is added to a single report, each report(in this case an invoice) will have its own unique bar code generated since the documents created in Tradepoint are dynamic.

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