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8.15 The Work Center


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The Work Center is a multi-faceted dashboard tool built into Tradepoint for both convenience in functionality for business environments to provide optimal performance and to track any and all activity with Customers.

If your Work Center dashboard is enabled it will be visible immediately on the main window when you login to Tradepoint.

The Work Center  must be activated within the Preferences section of an Employees file to open automatically when a User Logs into Tradepoint.

Your Work Center dashboard can also be activated through the Preferences section of your Personal Tab. In the preferences section of your Personal tab will be a screen with the box you see below in it. Be sure to check off the circled box you see below to activate the Work Center.


When the circled box above is checked then the Work Center will be enabled. Now when the User logs in the Work Center will be the first thing shown on the screen.

The Work Center dashboard has built in drag and drop functionality for easy configuration. The type of configuration can be determined by your company. Below is an example of an active and configured Work Center.

Open Opportunities - Open Opportunities tracks any Opportunities that are within Tradepoint based on Security Settings.

For example, a Sales Manager would be able to view all of the Open Opportunities to any sales people assigned to him and a CEO would be able to view any Open Opportunities within the entire company.

Any Open opportunities would be listed here in the format shown in the example above. Double clicking on any listed Opportunity would open the details screen allowing you to drill down into the details including any attached Tasks, Documents, Appointments and Past Forecasts associated with a specific Open Opportunity.

Tasks Due - Any Tasks you have created or have been assigned to you will be listed here. This is the same information found in the Tasks section of the Flyout Panel. Customizing the heading information for Tasks within the Work Center is performed the same way as in the Flyout Panel with drag and drop capabilities and functionality available through right click menus.

Double clicking on a Task will open the details screen enabling you to complete and/or drill down further into details associated with a Task.

Workflow - These icons can be configured based on your organizations workflow process. Any of the icons shown in the example above will take you directly to that screen or function when clicked.

For example, if you are in a Call Center, the Call Center icon will open a new unassigned Call Log for you automatically. You can assign the Call Log to an existing Customer or create a new Customer file after the fact. The same applies to other functions such as Orders or Invoices.

Collaborate - These are the Collaborative tools available at your fingertips. Clicking any one if these icons will begin the function so you can Save your changes and finish.

Find - These icons will start a search specifically for these icons highlighted. You will be directed to the Search Tool for these types of information directly with any one of these icons. Simply fill in any parameters for your Search and click your results will be displayed.

Design - The Design icon  shown in the lower left corner of your screen will open the Design function of the Work Center. All of the function in the different groups will be listed on the left hand section of the screen and you will be able to drag and drop them into the order you desire.


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