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9.1 Tradepoint's Integrated Accounting Functionality


Accounting functionality within Tradepoint is structured so as transactions ( Invoices, Orders, Purchase Orders, Bills, etc.) happen within the Receivables and Payables section within a Contact's account directly. Tradepoint will automatically perform the correct function according to the Accounting preferences you have established within your Company Settings to the correct account in your Company's General Ledger.

Contacts that have integrated Accounting functionality include Leads, Customers, Resellers and Suppliers. The General Ledger is also directly accessible from the Home Tab Tool bar.

The Accounting functionality available within Tradepoint will be relevant to the type of Contact.

For Example, below is a view of the Leads tool bar with the available Accounting functionality.

Once a Lead becomes a Customer the available Accounting functionality increases within the Contact's file. Every time a Customer purchases goods or services from your Company you will be able to create, edit(based on User Access Settings), and track the financial data relevant to this Customer's Account directly from their account.

User Access Settings will allow or restrict access to this functionality based on your work flow process.

For example, a Company may only want their sales staff to see and Quotes and Orders but no Invoices or Account information(Credit Card information, recurring billing structures, etc.). Tradepoint makes this possible by adjusting a Security Settings profile accessible through the Security icon in the Tools Tab Tool bar.

Another example of this would be to enable production personnel to create Purchase Orders for items used in a manufacturing process and either Supervisory staff or the Purchasing Agent could Approve the Purchase Order before it would be issued.

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