Tradepoint Appointment management
easily demonstrates how centralized data communication and storage can save vast
amounts of time. Tradepoint's
appointment window has three main views: Collaborative View, Planning View, and
Day Sheet View.
The collaborative view allows
staff and teams to collaborate quickly and easily. In this view, Tradepoint allows you
to see the schedules of everyone that is important to you. You can book appointments for yourself
in this view as well as other staff members or team members. Never need to cc email staff for their
availability ever again.
The planning view in Tradepoint
allows you to easily plan your multiple streams of availability. Streams are yet another innovative
concept that has been developed by our talented design staff. No other package offers this sort of
power. When you look at an average
work day, you are often doing more than one thing at once. Tradepoint simply allows your plan
to do more than one thing at once.
For instance, if you are a traveling manager, you can “plan” to drive
from one plant location to another (a distance of say 3 hours) and while on that
drive, plan to interview 5 candidates from a job posting you just made. Other time management software forces
you to only be able to plan one event or event type at a time. Because of the node synchronization
features, you as an executive can easily share your appointment book with your
secretary anywhere in the world.
Another example of multiple stream planning management is when you are
running a highly planned day that requires two levels of planning. For example Tradepoint allows you
to plan to “make cold calls” as a sales person and during that cold call period
make specific appointed calls as exact times. In this example you set your
schedule like: Monday 9:00 – 12:00
make cold calls and at 9:30 call ABC Company and 9:45 call XYZ Company because
they both asked you to call them at that time.
Tradpeoint’s most familiar
appointment window is the Day Sheet View window. The day sheet view window arranges your
day’s appointments in the standard vertical arrangement. The other windows arrange appointment
times to show horizontally. The
horizontal alignment of schedules make for an easier collaboration once you
adjust to it. Simply turn your head
sideways. <smile>
Tradepoint does allow you
synchronize your appointment book and contacts with your PDA (iPhone, Black
Berry, cell phones and other devices). Proper security settings must be
done to enable this aspect of Tradepoint.
Each appointment can hold
“aftermath” notes. This is a quick
and easy way to keep track of the results of each meeting. As well as other appointment information
is stored under each client account that it pertains to. You are able to invite as many staff and
outside customers to appointments as you would like and in each appointment you
can store minutes, notes, budgeting controls, expense items and reminder
Appointments can be set to be
reoccurring (in the cases of staff meetings or doctor appointments) and can also
be billed upon at a single right click (in the case of law firms and consulting
work). All accounting is
automatically done with the integrated accounting features of Tradepoint. This
saves vast amounts of administrative time compared to other applications that
don’t allow you to adjust appointment billings automatically or requires you to
enter your billable hours manually into a separate accounting system.
The Tradpeoint appointment
and time management sets a new standard for time bookings. Tradepoint even automatically adjusts
for time zone changes for staff that may be across the world from you. Never
have to count hours of time differences again. It is all automatically done through