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How to Configure A Synchronization Service


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This article will describe how to setup your synchronization service in Internet Information Services (IIS) Version 7 or later.

  1. Run the server tools (available here:
  2. Choose "Install Synchronization" and select your path and database and click the go button.
  3. Go to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. This can be found in your Administrative Tools section of your start menu or control panel (detailed view)
  4. Create a new website by right clicking on Sites and choosing "Add Site"
  5. Enter a site name, choose an application pool (make sure that it is set to be a .net 4 integrated pipeline pool), choose the physical location that you pointed the server tools to and choose any ip and port as applicable (host name is optional)
  6. Click ok.
  7. The synchronization service should now be available at the address and port that you specified. You can test the link by going to the /synchronize.asmx page. It will list the available methods.


  1. Synchronization requires that .NET 4 (Full not client) be installed.
  2. The port specified must be publically available from the internet. This means that you will also have to open this port on your firewall(s) and test that it works from an external browser.
  3. Host Name should only be used if you are sharing a public IP address with another site and have a specific dns entry for the synchronization.
  4. To change the application pool .net integration type go to application pools, select the pool, right click and choose basic settings, change .net framework version to V4.0.30319
  5. Once you have successfully achieved #7, you can then point your remote users at the public address including the /synchronize.asmx to enable sync.

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