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Order Confirmation Emails or Shipment Status Emails Don't Seem to Send


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If it seems that your order confirmation or shipment status emails are not being sent, please confirm the following things before reporting your issue to our support team.

Customer specific things to check:
- Does the customer have a valid email address entered?

Division specific things to check:
- Does the Division have a contact us email set?
- Does the Division have a primary email set?
- Has the order confirmation email and/or shipment status email template been specified?
- Has the sender's email address for the shipment status email been set? (the one set below where the shipment status template is set)

Website configuration specific things to check:
- Has the mail server been configured correctly for the website?
- Is the sender's email address able to be sent using the specified smpt server? (some smtp servers will only send if the sender's email address belongs to a specific domain.)

Tradepoint Enterprise specific things to check:
Check the following if the emails are not being sent from within Tradepoint:
- Does the logged in user have an email account configured within Tradepoint that allows sending emails?
- Is the sender's email address able to be sent using the specified smpt server? (some smtp servers will only send for email address with similar domains)
Note: the logged in user's default email address is used to send the email, make sure the smtp server is able to send as the email addresses set for the division or referrer.

Order specific things to check:
- Is the button or checkbox checked to send the status email?
- Did the status of the order change?  (the attempt to send the email is only done on save when the order's status has changed)

Shipment specific things to check:
- Was the checkbox to send the shipment status email checked when fullfilling the shipment?
Note: To resend the shipment email, open the shipment details window and click on the Resend Email button. The button not being visible indicates that it is not possible to send the email. This could be due to the destination email address not being available, or sender's address not available, etc... check settings as described above.


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