Press Release Templates
Press Release templates will have the same editable
and graphic capability as Email and Knowledge Base templates to give your Press
Releases as much of a customized look as you would like.
The screen to create a Press Release is shown below.

This is the graphical view
showing what would be displayed through your website. Your 'New' button is in
the lower left to create a New template. Different press releases are listed in
the upper left. The 'Design' and 'Source' tabs are at the bottom of the
The Source tab will show the HTML code in the background
of your Press Release. Whether you Copy and Paste the design content
from another source or you build the content of the template within the Design
screen the HTML will be built in the background and appear as you see in the
view below.

The HTML can be edited directly if you know how to build
email templates in HTML or they can be edited to make small
adjustments to existing templates within this