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Profiles and the Work Center- Tags and Parameters


The following tags and parameters can be used when creating a Profile for the Work Center. The article will explain each tag and it's parameters, and contains a sample.

User Name
The User tag will display the user's name in the format that has been specified.

Tag: <User>
Parameters: Format
A "|" (pipe...shift + \ on your keyboard) delimited list of the name parts to display in the order they will be displayed in.
Accepted Values: Salutation, FirstName, MiddleInitial, LastName, Suffix
Default: If not specified the full name in the default format will be displayed.

<User Format="Salutation|LastName">

This sample tag would return the Salutation and LastName of the user ("Mr. Smith").


Company and Division Name
The CompanyName and DivisionName tags will display the company and division names for the office that the user is logged in under.



Parameters: There are no parameters for these tags.

<CompanyName> - <DivisionName>

This sample tag would display the company name followed by a dash and then the division name ("Tradepoint - Canadian Division").


The Date tag will display the current date.

Tag: <Date>
Parameters: There are no parameters for this tag.


This sample tag would return the current date ("Thursday April 28, 2005").


The Appointments tag will display the Subject, start and end date and start and end time of the user's upcoming appointments.




Indicates whether the subject should be hyperlinked to open the appointment.
Accepted values: "True" or "False"
Default: True

The number of days in the future to include in the Upcoming Appointments list.
Accepted values: Number
Default: 3

Indicates whether the title, "Upcoming Appointments", should be displayed with the list of appointments.
Accepted values: "True" or "False"
Default: True

The name of the stream to list the appointments for.
Accepted values: Text
Default: All availability streams of the user


<Appointments AllowEdit="true" NoDaysInAdvance="5" ShowTitle="false">

This sample tag would display upcoming appointments from the next 5 days with the subject of the appointment being a link to open the details. The "Upcoming Appointments" title would not be displayed. The appointments would be from any availability streams of the user, not a specific one.


The Tasks tag will display the subject, due date, percent complete and role of the user's incomplete tasks that are either due today or are currenlty overdue.

Tag: <Tasks>
Parameters: There are currently no parameters for this tag.


This sample tag would display all of the user's tasks that were due today or were currently overdue.


The Projects tag will display the project name, start date, due date, status and description for all of the active projects that the user is a part of.

Tag: <Projects>
Parameters: There are currently no parameters for this tag.


This tag would display all of the active projects that the user is a part of.


The Contacts tag will display a list of contacts matching the criteria specified by the tag parameters.

Tag: <Contacts>

The type of Contacts that you want to list.
Accepted Values: "Manufacturer", "Supplier", "Dealer", "Lead", "Customer", "GlobalContact", "PersonalContact", "Enquiry", "Source"
Default: No default, this parameter is required.

A "|" (pipe...shift + \ on your keyboard) delimited list of the statuses that you want to list. This is in the order that you want to see them as well.
Accepted values: Text
Default: Will not filter by status if this parameter is not included. Contacts of all status will be returned.

# of days since the contact was created. If you leave this off, it will list all contacts.
Accepted values: Number
Default: No limit, all contacts will be returned.

Only show contacts that are not inactive.
Accepted Values: "True" or "False"
Default: Contacts will not be filtered by active/inactive if this parameter is left off.

Only show contacts where the user is the BDC rep or Sales Rep.
Accepted Values: "True" of "False"
Default: Contacts will not be filtered by user if this parameter is left off.


<Contacts ContactType="Customer" Statuses="New Customer|Active Customer" MaxAge="5" OnlyActive="true" OnlyOwn="true">

This sample tag would return a list of Customers that are owned by the user, are active, have a status of "New Customer" or "Active Customer", and were entered in the last 5 days.


Contact Search
The Contact Search tag will display a quick search field that can be used to search for Companies and Personnel. This will search on the Company name and Company Personnel name fields. The top 10 Companies and top 10 Company Personnel will be returned with the contact name, location in the database, phone number and email address.

Tag: <ContactSearch>
Parameters: There are no parameters for this tag.
Example: <ContactSearch>


Add New Contacts
The New Contact tags will display a link that will cause a new contact to be created with the specified details.


Depending on the type of Contact to be added:

Parameters: Category
The name of the Category for the new contact.
Accepted Values: Text
Default Value: No category if not specified.

The name of the Status for the new contact.
Accepted Values: Text
Default Value: No status if not specified.

The text of the link that will be displayed in the Work Center.
Accepted Values: Text
Default: No default, text parameter must be present.

<NewLead Category="Potential Customer" Status="New Lead" Text="Create New Lead">

This sample tag will display a link on the Work Center with the text "Create New Lead". When clicked, a new lead will be created in the Potential Customer category with the "New Lead" status.

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