Purolator Shipping Service Configuration
Requirements: *an
active Purolator Account number to move to production
Account Number - the
purolator account number.
Developer Key - the developer key obtained
through the purolator developer resources.
Developer Password - the
developer password assigned by purolator when requesting the developer
Allow Service
to Schedule Shipments - If checked when completing the shipment fulfillment
wizard will try to schedule a shipment. If unchecked the service will be used
for rate request only.
Use Test Service - Indicates if the service is test or
Type - Valid values are "DropOff" and "PreScheduled" , if a value is not
specified the service will default to "DropOff".
Use Imperial Units For
Weight - If checked the weight of the shipment/package will be specified using
pounds instead of kilograms (default) for the rate and shipment
Adjust For Minimum Weight - If checked and the weight of the
shipment/package is less than 1 (weight unit does not matter) it will be
specified as one for the rate and shipment requests. Default is
** all settings are required
How To Request Access
- Signup for Dev
account or login at: http://www.purolator.com/eship/development
- When you have received your Developer Key, password, and test account
number enter the values into the shipping service configuration. Confirm that
Use Test Service is checked.
How To Move To
- Login to purolator's eship site at: http://www.purolator.com/eship/production and
follow the instructions provided to request access to the production
- When you have received your production credentials (Developer Key, and
password), update the shipping service configuration replacing your
development credentials with the production credentials, and the test account
number with your purolator account number. Confirm that Use Test Service is
not checked.
- Warehouse Address Information: The warehouse must have a
Canadian address; the street address of the warehouse must start with a
street number. This is not a requirement of the destination addresses,
only the sender (warehouse).
- Labels & Document Printing: Purolator's eShip
services do not return a label or other documents in their scheduling
responses, instead they return a Url on purolator's site that provides the
documents. It is the responsiblilty of the user to download and print the
applicable documents and labels. The shipping service will launch the default
browser to the documents url instead of trying to initiate printing through a
printer when the fulfillment wizard indicates labels should be printed or when
reprint label is selected from the shipment information window.