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Updating Product Matrices


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Updating existing product pricing on existing products with product matrices is done with the Updating Matrices tool within product tools (found on the Tools tool bar in Accounting Tools).

This will allow quicker updating for product price listings on existing products with product property and price matrices.
Updating Matrices is found on the Product Tools section on the Tools tab.

The steps to follow for updating product price matrices are simple with options to make additional matrix adjustments.
On the main screen once the Update Matrix screen has been clicked select a product with the search tool as shown in the screen below.

Enter in all or part of a product name or model/part number to find the product to be updated. Once that product has been selected any product matrix information will populate into the screen.

Each product property will be listed with all details available. Select and Clear all options are in the lower left to highlight however many matrices. Each Matrixed item will be displayed with elbowed check boxed options for updating specific product matrices or all at once.

Updating pricing options are highlighted in the lower right with two options for updating pricing.

To make an price adjustment for checked product matrices use the ‘Discount/Markup from Master List. The Master List being referred to is the main Selling/Retail price on the master product listing.

The prompt will show to either increase or decrease a price for checked items within a product matrix.
The option to Set to Master List price refers to the main product retail price. The option to Discount/Markup from Matrix List will open the prompt to adjust up or down the listed price for checked matrix items.


Once the adjustment has been made and the Save icon checked then the pricing on the right side will reflect the adjustment that has been made.
Closing the Update Matrix tool will update the pricing on that matrixed product.

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