Tradepoint offers a complete
eCommerce website containing all the functionality you will need to maintain a
cutting edge and powerful web solution.
The Tradepoint eCommerce website contains:
Knowledge Base
The online knowledge base allows
people to view selected articles written inside Tradepoint. This functionality
has many benefits:
Some articles that are written within the companies KB can be
great to drive miscellaneous traffic to your website, allowing your company to
appear like an expert in your field.
A good example would be a dentist that writes an article about tooth
decay and exposes it to the world via their Tradepoint website. Now as visitors on the web search for
information about tooth decay, the dentist’s site will automatically be
discovered by those visitors. Of course the dentist’s office will
experience the financial and reputation rewards of their labour by the raised
business awareness and traffic that has been created by their site.
Another advantage of
the Tradepoint Knowledge Base is that a company can post KB articles on
their website that require specific user names and passwords. The advantage of this is to allow
visitors: staff, customers and whom ever they choose have access specific online
information that is customized to them.
Some uses are:
Staff can login and see online training manuals for example
Customers will be able to login and see information regarding the
specific products they have purchased
Order tracking can be done through the knowledge base
Even customized knowledge base management will allow you to drive
more sales to your company by delivering specific content needed for each
customer to close themselves on new products or features online
Use your imagination
The is almost no limit to the
power that can be utilized through Tradepoint's effective Knowledge Base
management strategy.
Press Release
Tradepoint’s press release
feature sets echo the most successful press release architecture on the web.
Completely capable of linking
images, dynamic content and much more, this area acts as a powerful way for
companies to communicate new product lines, services, announcements and crucial
information. Search engines and
users love sites that are continually changing and updating themselves. Creating new Knowledge base articles and
Press Releases is a fantastic way to ensure your site will always be fresh and
dynamic for existing customers and new visitors.
Tradepoint press releases
can even be ordered into categories, sub categories product types and more. This allows visitors to quickly gain
access to the specific areas they desire.
Often press releases are what
drive customers to purchase new devices or services from a company, therefore
the Tradepoint press releases web functionality is a truly powerful tool
for every business website; no site should be without one.
Complete Accounting, Inventory
and Visa Transaction Clearing
Tradepoint does what no other
accounting or ecommerce management tool does: Completely integrate all of your
accounting data, Inventory stock levels / locations, customer lists, product
pricing and descriptions and every other area of your company.
Integrated Back Door
Because of Tradepoint’s
rTradepointary integrated architecture, the Tradepoint web server
synchronizes directly with the other nodes within your company therefore there
is no need for costly eCommerce backdoor creation and maintenance. If your website has gone through the
expense of creating an admin back door, than you have learned first hand how
time consuming it can be to keep your site up to date. Not only that, but every time you decide
to add new functionality to your site, you also have to change the backdoor SQL
management section of the site as well.
This often doubles the maintenance costs of any website, large or
small. Say goodbye with the old
style “backdoor” website setup architecture and replace it completely with an
integrated architecture that replaces the need for double entry, costly admin
updates, and expensive development and update procedures.
Complete Integrated Product
Because of the above, gone is
also the need to keep separate product lists: normally a product list is
maintained for the company while a parallel list is found on the website. Often an Excel or Access file acts as a
middle layer that keeps the two in agreement, or a costly custom development is
made to bridge the gap. Because
your company is now centralized through Tradepoint, Tradepoint can automatically
update both sides for you.
Tradepoint can even pull a product off of the website as soon as the
product is “sold out” or blow a certain level in stock; or, you can choose to
allow Tradepoint to “backorder” any item you choose. Product descriptions, pricings and even
pictures are updated automatically when you update the product information in
your Tradepoint software. No need
to go onto the website backdoor, replace files via FTP or change content
separately in the SQL (or other) database.
Because Tradepoint even keeps track of what items each warehouse
keeps in stock, when an eCommerce order comes in
through Tradepoint, Tradepoint will even be able to ship any product
from the nearest location to the customer and even decide what type of shipper
to use based upon the size, dimensions, weight and priority of the shipment.
So how does this all
When you purchase Tradepoint
ECommerce, we send you everything you need to host a basic website out of the
box. The site contains a series of
aspx files: These files are what produces the graphic layout and look of your
site, as well as link to the needed “dll” file that controls all of the complex
and dynamic things that Tradepoint eCommerce does. All that is needed to customize
your “out of the box” Tradepoint site is a simple HTML editor like Dream
Weaver, Front Page, Visual Studio or even note pad. With a basic knowledge of
HTML you can edit, manipulate and easily update the most powerful eCommerce
package on the web today.
If preferred, we even have
graphic talent on staff that can create any type of look and feel you may
desire. Including company branding, logo creation, HTML design and any other
area needed to create a world class cutting edge website design for you.
When it comes time to manage your
website: Inside Tradepoint there is a complete “website management” section
that allows you to create within (without any need for an admin backdoor) all of
the “about us”, “contact us”, “homepage” content and any other web specific
content required for your site. All
product data is automatically updated through the product management area of
Tradepoint. Tradepoint is
truly simple to maintain for the HTML savvy individual. The aspx files come complete with HTML
remark statements that describe what every “dynamic” area of Tradepoint
eCommerce does, and where it can be referenced within the Tradepoint
eCommerce management program.