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13.16 Knowledge Base


Related Articles

To create a new article within the Knowledge Base follow the following steps.

From the Home tab click on the knowledge icon. The next screen you will see will be the main menu within your knowledge base.

  1. On the left side of the main screen you will see any existing Categories of Articles. 
  2. Highlight any existing article to view it on the right side as shown in the image above.
  3. Expandable menus will hold any articles under any of the main Categories.
  4. Icons in the lower left of the screen will allow you to create a New Article, Edit, Delete or Print any existing articles.

Use the 'New Article' icon to create a new article. The main screen you will see is shown below.

Highlighted tools include:

  1. Toolbar at the top of the page for the New Article, Teaser page, tool to choose an Article Template, add related articles to one you are building and add Documents to any article you create. 
  2. A Calendar for the date your article is created. If a date is chosen for the future then the article will automatically become available on that future date.
  3. Local Security Settings - Determine which User Access profiles within your organizations have access to this article. Check off which profiles for each article created.
  4. Web Security Settings - Determine which user profiles through your web portal have access to any articles. Articles can be public or for specific partner or client profiles.
  5. Categories - Create additional Categories by using the green plus button here. Assign an article to one or more articles by checking off one or more Categories for each article.
  6. Products - Assign products to an article. For example, for a basic instructional guide you can assign Products to it so viewers know which Product is associated with this article. This can be used as an up-selling tool for educational articles.
  7. Design and Source Tabs - Use the design tab to create your article using the tools in the tool bar highlighted at the top of the open field. Use the Source tab to Cut/Copy paste HTML from another source directly into the KB to create your article.

Content for your articles can be either generated directly within the Design window of the main window in the knowledge base or HTML code can be Cut/Copy and pasted from another source directly into the Source window to pre-populate the design screen of your knowledge base article.

The example you see shows content that was developed through the design screen of the new article window. Editing tools are highlighted in the toolbar above.

Clicking the Source tab below shows the HTML code that is generated when you develop your content directly in the knowledge base.

The Source tab allows you to edit your HTML Source code in addition to developing your content directly through the Design screen.

Whether you develop your content directly through the Design screen or use the Source screen you have a full range of tools available to create knowledge base articles with graphic and rich text capability for use internally and externally within your organization.

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