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3.10.2 Order Fulfillment Preferences


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These options will automate key points during your ordering process. These options will automatically extend to your Ecommerce solution or web services.

The Order Fulfillment preferences for this article are in the right of the above image and enlarged in the image below.

Minimum # of Items - This option defaults at 1 item per box at a minimum for order fulfillment.

Allow Direct Invoicing from Orders - This option will automatically create a Invoice for Orders that are successfully shipped at the point of shipment.

Allow Shipping Cost to Change - This option will allow editing of shipping costs when orders are being fulfilled with the shipping wizard.

Please Note - most often shipping costs can be discounted without having to process a second authorization on a customer's credit card. Most increased will require a second authorization of a customer's credit card.

Select the Type of Warehouse Assignment - Choose the type of Warehouse Assignment.

One Warehouse Only - For companies with a single location for Inventory and fulfillment.
Multiple Warehouses - For companies with more than one warehouse for Inventory.
Multiple Warehouses with Group Availability - For companies with more than one warehouse for Inventory and fulfillment.

Automatically Invoice when Shipment Complete - Use this option to automatically generate an Invoice once an Order has successfully been shipped.

Mark Order as 'In Production' of Shipping Print - Use this option to display in Packing slips and forms to the customer to display the Status as 'In Production'. This option does not show a submitted status for the customer on documentation they receive concerning their order. 

Payments made from Order Screen - This option will restrict CSR's from processing internal orders within Tradepoint to only Authorizing the amount on credit card transactions and will not permit a payment capture at the point of processing an order.

Send Shipment Information Email - This option will automatically send an email confirmation when an order is shipped to the customer. A shipping confirmation email must be set up and the customer must have an email address on the main Contact Info screen for this to process automatically.

Shipping Information Email Template - Choose from existing email templates which one that will be sent out at the point of successful shipment. Email Templates must be set up to have options within this drop down box.

Shipping Information Sender Email - This is the email address that will display as the Sender's email address to customers when they receive their Shipping confirmation emails.

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