Tradepoint offers the user the ability to easily perform complex searches
in the system. More
The Tradpeoint appointment
and time management sets a new standard for time bookings. Tradepoint even automatically adjusts
for time zone changes for staff that may be across the world from you. Never
have to count hours of time differences again. It is all automatically done through
Tradepoint. More
Customers can easily be managed in Tradepoint and all activity related to
a customer can be tracked in the system. More
The Tradepoint ECommerce Website solution offers many features that exceed
what a typical ECommerce offers. More
Tradepoint provides a powerful email manager that can be setup with any
POP3, IMAP or exchange account. In fact, Tradepoint supports an unlimitednumber
of email accounts for every user. More
Tradepoint makes every area of
employee management simple. From
Personnel File management, login preferences to tax submissions, Tradepoint
is a complete solution for your every employee need, as well as ever other need
for your business. More
The Tradepoint General Ledger is extremely flexible providing
you with the ability to setup any type of chart of accounts no matter how
complex. All of your accounts are
posted at the right of the screen and account balances are listed in the balance
section the bottom of that area of the screen. More
Global contacts allow you to track contacts and share this information with
any user that has the appropriate security rights. More
Global documents are a quick and easy way to store all of the documents
your corporations has. More
Importing and exporting data is very easy with Tradepoint's wizards.
Data such as contacts, leads, customers, vendors and products can be
imported. More
Inquiries are contacts that have contacted your company but you do not have
any contact information for them. More
The Tradepoint knowledge base is an extremely powerful component of your
Tradepoint Solution. The knowledge base allows you to store many different types
of information: Training manuals and procedures, job hints and instructions,
product information and any knowledge that might pertain to your organization.
Tradepoint allows you to manage leads effectively More
Security in Tradepoint More
Tradepoint offers many other features including a Password Manager, the
ability to track Expense Reports and more. More
Similar to global contacts except they can only be accessed by the user that
is currently logged into the system. More
Tradepoint offers an extremely easy to use and versatile point of sale
solution that fits most retail operations. More
Press Releases can be managed directly in Tradepoint and they can be
displayed on any page of your web site. More
Track your inventory and products that you sell, manufactur or
distribute. Easily setup an unlimited number of products and services in
Tradepoint. More
Manage all types of projects using the Project Management features in
Tradepoint. More
The Tradepoint punch clock is handy for companies that have employees
punch in and out every day. More
Tradepoint provides the user with extremely flexible reporting that can
provide information on every aspect of your company. More
Resellers are organizations or individuals who sell or represent your
products and/or services. Tradepoint can manage all your reseller
activities and information. More
Tradepoint was built first with security in mind. From its 3 x 512 bit encrypted database
to its custom driven tab boxes and data entry fields, every corner
of Tradepoint is secure from hack attack or invalid employee access. More
If you are a company that owns
lists like “The Harris Directory” “The Scott’s Directory” or any other industry
specific directory that would offer thousands or hundreds of thousands of
entries, you can directly import them into Tradepoint. More
Suppliers can be tracked in Tradepoint and multiple suppliers can be
associated with a single item.
Tradepoint allows easy and intuitive tracking of an unlimited amount of
locations and store fronts. More
The Tradepoint Work Center provides a customizable dashboard view for
every employee in your organization. More
Complete drop shipments in a few steps with
Tradepoint. This new feature compliments the drop shipping tools for
ordering. More
By default Tradepoint supports most English, French, Spanish and Arabic
languages. However if you wish to use other languages this knowledge base
article will assist you. More