CRM 6.2.5 Customers Sep/30/2006 The Tradepoint Customer Relationship Management Window tabs are pretty much the same as the tabs found on every other window in Tradepoint. You will notice that the lead window has no accounting tabs, simply because a lead needs no accounting, they are not a customer or dealer or that sort of contact as of yet. That is the only real difference between the different windows of Tradepoint: Leads, Customers, Dealers, Warehouses, Manufactures, etc. More Back to top 6.20 Support and Communications Oct/14/2005 Within the CRM section of Tradepoint you can track all communications and Support on a per contact basis. More Back to top 6.21 Appointments Oct/14/2005 Appointments can be managed on a per contact basis or through the schedule. The CRM section of Tradepoint allows you to generate Appointments within each contact. More Back to top 6.22 Tasks Oct/14/2005 The CRM section of Tradepoint gives you the tools to create Tasks associated with each contact or independently. This article explains briefly how to create a Task. More Back to top 6.23 Projects Oct/14/2005 CRM and Project Management functionality are integrated within Tradepoint with the ability to associate Projects with several different types of Contacts. More Back to top 6.24 Email Oct/14/2005 Email is integrated within Tradepoint allowing you to assign respective emails to a contact within the CRM section or to a Project or file folder. More Back to top 6.25 Customers-Billing Information Oct/17/2005 This article explains how to manage your Customers Account information, Payment arrangements within the CRM section in Tradepoint. More Back to top 6.26 Documents Oct/14/2005 Document Management is redefined with the robust ability to manage Documents in an easy to find location or on a contact by contact basis throughout Tradepoint CRM. More Back to top 6.27 Account Information Oct/17/2005 Managing your Account Information on a contact by contact basis for your contact's Credit Limits, Shipping and Price List information is illustrated in this article. More Back to top 6.29 Orders Oct/17/2005 The explanation on the ability to manage and generate Orders is provided through the Orders icon in the toolbar of both Customers and Resellers within the CRM section of Tradepoint. More Back to top 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Loading…